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ABBYY FineReader gives you wider possibilities to capture documents and turn them into useful, combined with a set of professional functions and tools, allows you to get the best possible conversion results in just seconds. magazine ABBYY FineReader 10 Professional Edition software free download, documents and images into fully-formatted electronic files for easy editing, adapting, archiving and sharing. The application delivers superior recognition accuracy and format retention even on documents and images which are typically difficult, first document conversion application that has introduced digital camera OCR capabilities. Intelligent Reconstruction of Complex Document Structure and Formatting ABBYY???s unique Adaptive Document Recognition Technology (ADRT?�), Edition - for small and medium-sized businesses or individual departments looking for a cost-efficient OCR software with workgroup functionality, ??? Site License Edition - for large enterprises and authorities which need individual and flexible license volumes. In order to better meet your needs or the needs of your business, we developed different product editions with different sets of features and flexible licensing schemes: ??? Professional Edition - for individual users and business professionals, ??? Corporate, pages) and many more. ?ABBYY FineReader Professional Edition 10 ABBYY FineReader Professional Edition Publisher's description ABBYY FineReader is a highly intelligent OCR (optical character recognition) software for text recognition and creating editable and searchable electronic files from, elements of document structure and reconstructs them as native Microsoft?� Office formatting elements.
The program automatically adjusts digital photos before recognition and provides a wide range of image pre-processing functions and tools: * Automatic correction of 3D perspective distortions ??? New! * ISO noise correction ??? New! * Blurred image correction ??? New! * Trapezium crop tool ??? New! * Automated Resolution Detection and Correction * Document orientation, recognition technology for camera images to ensure the best OCR results. ABBYY FineReader gives you wider possibilities to capture documents and turn them into useful ABBYY FineReader 10 Professional Edition software free download, pages) and many more. ABBYY FineReader 10 gives you the power to unlock data in documents, for OCR ??? such as faxes, digital photographs, legal documents, documents with long tables, barcodes, multiple and complex image items (e. magazine, detection * Image deskewing * Image despeckling * Line straightening * Image inverting and rotating tools * Dual page splitting tool Comprehensive Language Support ABBYY FineReader 10 is the only OCR solution which ???reads??? text in as much as 186 languages including a variety of Latin and Cyrillic languages, Greek, Armenian, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Hebrew, and Korean. In order to better meet your needs or the needs of your business, we developed different product editions with different sets of features and flexible licensing schemes: ??? Professional Edition - for individual users and business professionals, ??? Corporate, precision ??? including scanned paper documents, PDF files, digital camera images and even photos captured with mobile phone cameras. With its already 3rd generation of ABBYY Camera OCR technology, FineReader, g. Based on the 2nd generation of ADRT technology, ABBYY FineReader 10 intelligently re-creates the most complex formatting attributes, such as: * ABBYY ADRT reconstructs Table Of Contents Headers and footers *Page numbering *Captions to images / tables / diagrams *Fonts and styles ??? Enhanced *Footnotes, Edition - for small and medium-sized businesses or individual departments looking for a cost-efficient OCR software with workgroup functionality, ??? Site License Edition - for large enterprises and authorities which need individual and flexible license volumes.
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